Perhaps another good title for this post is “You can never carry enough hand sanitizer when you’re in the airport!” But do we really think ANY place in an airport isn’t chock full of germs? I guess, though, it’s always good to know which places at the airport are the most likely ones to be full of germs and viruses. Extra precautions can’t hurt, but does the TSA take them? I was surprised to learn about a TSA protocol that I can now request. Hopefully this will keep me away from “virus central.” Be prepared to up your stash of hand sanitizer after you read this!

TSA: Keeping Us Secure, But Not From Germs!
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Thanks for the article, Shelli. Please follow up if you were successful with your request for a TSA protocol.
HI Dimi, I just found out about this, and don’t have a flight for another few weeks. I’ll be testing it then.