Tag Archives: Alaska Airlines

Choice Hotel Privileges Points take 12 Days to Transfer to AA, US, UA, and DL

UPDATE: the US Airways, United Airlines, and Delta Airlines miles posted later today after I had initially created this post.

Choice 12 Days

Choice Hotel Privileges Points take 12 Days to Transfer to American Airlines, US Airways, United Airlines, and Delta Airlines

Just a quick follow-up post to Choice Points Post – How to Transfer to AA / AS / DL / UA / US / SWA.  In that post, I showed you how to transfer your Choice Privileges Points to American Airlines, Alaska Airlines, Delta Airlines, United Airlines, US Airways, and Southwest Airlines.  All transfer were made within an hour of each other on Thursday, July 11.

See Choice Hotel Privileges Points take 8 Days to Transfer to Southwest Airlines

This morning (Tuesday, July 23), the American Airlines miles posted to my account.  Don’t be confused by the date (7/11/13), that is when I transferred the points from Choice to my American Airlines account.  I had been checking this account every day for the miles and they finally showed up today.   Continue reading

Choice Hotel Privileges Points take 8 Days to Transfer to Southwest Airlines

Choice to SWA

Choice Hotel Privileges Points take 8 Days to Transfer to Southwest Airlines

Just a quick follow-up post to Choice Points Post – How to Transfer to AA / AS / DL / UA / US / SWA.  In that post, I showed you how to transfer your Choice Privileges Points to American Airlines, Alaska Airlines, Delta Airlines, United Airlines, US Airways, and Southwest Airlines.  All transfer were made within an hour of each other on Thursday, July 11.

This morning (Friday, July 19), the SWA points posted to my account.

SWA Activity

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Choice Points Post – How to Transfer to AA / AS / DL / UA / US / SWA

Choice Transfers

(If you are planning on transferring Choice Privileges Points to Southwest Airlines, you need to read this post.)

Choice Points Post – How to Transfer to American, Alaska, Delta, United, US Airways, and Southwest

This is a follow-up post to my previous post Why did I Buy 144,000 Choice Privileges Points for $550? which is a follow-up post to Today Only!  Buy SWA Points for 1.3 cpm and American / Alaska / United / US Airways / Delta miles for 1.87 cpm.

I purchased the Choice Privileges Points on June 27 and have been waiting patiently for the points to show up in my Choice Privileges account.  After refreshing my Award Wallet balances (read What is Award Wallet?), I was glad to see that the points had finally posted, all 144,000 of them.  BTW, I did not receive an email from the US Travel Association or Choice Hotels alerting me of the point transfer.

Choice 114K

After logging into my account, here is the message I received.   Continue reading

A Million Thanks to Million Mile Secrets

Thank You

A Million Thanks to Million Mile Secrets

I want to thank Daraius from Million Mile Secrets for featuring me on his Friday morning “Big Travel with Small Money” series.  I have been a long time reader of his site and enjoy reading his articles every day.  I have had the pleasure to speak with Emily a few times and get a picture with her at the Frequent Traveler University in Tyson’s Corner, VA a few months back.  I highly recommend you guys check it out.  The next event is in Tampa, FL from September 27-29 (details here).

Emily and Grant

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a close-up of a logo

Vancouver Vacation: Redeem American Airline Miles for Alaska Airline Seats

The title is a blatant rip-off of the Chevy Chase “Vegas Vacation” movie, but I do love a good alliterative title every now and then.

I was helping my dad find flights from Orange County, CA (SNA) to Vancouver, BC (YVR) sometime in July for our annual family vacation.  Between myself, my mom, and my dad, we have thousands of United Airline miles, American Airline miles, and British Airways Avios.

By using a combination of AA.com and AlaskaAir.com, I was able to find 4 award seats on the same flight.  Since the flights are on Alaska Airlines, I went to AlaskaAir,com first to search for the award seats.  You don’t need to have any Alaska Airline miles to search for award seats.

Alaska Award Flight

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