Do you ski? I grew up skiing, and still today, skiing is one of my all-time favorite ways to spend time. That’s why this great deal caught my eye! Dust off your ski gear! Aspen’s Snowmass mountain celebrates its 50th anniversary with retro parties and super cheap lift tickets. Sure, it’s only September, but deals like this and ski trips are great to know about in advance!

Vintage photo of snowy mountains. Image source:
Old-school skiing with old-school prices make a comeback at Aspen for one day. Circle it now, Friday, December 15th. That’s the day $6.50 will get you an all-day lift ticket at Snowmass.
The one-day-only special price honors the ski resort’s 50th birthday. It will charge the same amount skiers paid the year it opened, 1967. Tickets are valid only on December 15 and only on Snowmass. Snowmass will also host a weekend of festivities. Friday closes with a “retro party” at Elk Camp and fireworks on Fanny Hill. Saturday, settle in at The Westin for the debut of a celebratory film about 50 years of Snowmass. Sunday is Vintage Ski Day, with a Cabin Jump and Rail Jam, followed by a community picnic at Spider Sabich Picnic and Race Area.
Head over to the Snowmass event page for more details. Given that a retail price lift ticket costs more than $150, it just might be the deal of the (half) century. Will you be in Snowmass to take advantage of this? I sure hope so!
Sounds good to me! I’ll mark it on my calendar.
Glad you found this useful, Nathan. I know it seemed a bit early to talk about this deal, but once the weather gets even a bit chilly, I’m thinking about snow! Thanks for reading!
Sounds great but I’m worried about crowds on the slopes. Waiting an hour to get on a ski lift isn’t fun.
Good point, Chris. It’s a Friday and before the holiday season begins, so maybe the lines won’t be too bad. Thanks for reading!
Man, that’s cheap! I’ve never been to one of those ultra pricey resorts. Idaho spoils me. I wonder how bad the lines will be?
Thanks for reading, David. I have a feeling the people who take advantage of this offer are doing so as much for the adventure of being there that weekend as for the skiing itself. Don’t think anyone will be able to predict lift lines.