a plane flying in the sky

The Skies Aren’t Always Clear for Women Pilots!

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Which professions do you find fascinating? Maybe you’ve wondered what it’s like to be a top chef, or a diamond cutter. Many professions fascinate me. Being a pilot is one of them. Do you ever wonder about a pilot’s life? I do, and especially about what it must be like to be a woman pilot.

A friend sent me this story about a junior level woman pilot. I had no idea what life was like that for pilots, especially at the junior level. The author, Erika Armstrong, has been in aviation for 30 years. I think you’ll find what she shares fascinating. I did. Here’s her story.

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4 thoughts on “The Skies Aren’t Always Clear for Women Pilots!

  1. Occasio

    SJW’s are the coolest and most intelligent people. Everyone likes them and nobody finds them annoying or negative. “Bring it all down, man!!!”


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