Do you have certain restaurants that no matter how many times you’ve been there, they never disappoint? Usually those places are few and far between because, after all, there are so many aspects to running a great restaurant that it’s easy for things to go wrong. One restaurant for me that always gets it right is Roy’s! I’ve been a fan of Roy’s for many years now. No matter which Roy’s I go to, it’s always a wonderful experience.
I’ve even hosted big birthday celebrations at Roy’s and if I do say so myself, they’ve become events that are talked about for years! Roy’s is turning 30, so they’ve got this celebration deal happening right now through July 8th. See if it works for you, and enjoy your next Roy’s outing and save some money, too!

*Not Valid on Father’s Day, Sunday, June 17, 2018. Offer requires a $50 minimum spend at Dinner in the Main Dining Room. Offer not valid in the Bar or during Aloha Hour. Offer valid now through 7/8/18. Valid at select Roy’s locations only. Cannot be combined with other offer or promotions. One dining credit allowed per table, per check, per visit.
$50 total spend before the $30 off?
HI Pam, Make sure to read the fine print as to what kind of spend gets the $30 off. Enjoy!
Yes Shelli I did, but the fine print says $50 minimum spend and dinner. I would hope this means $50 before the discount, but I hate to assume……
HI Pam, If you have any doubts, maybe a call to Roy’s would be worth it just to be sure.
Stacks nicely with this one:
Roy is generous :)