Tag Archives: Chase Ultimate Rewards Points

Deja Vu: 11 More Reams of Free Printer Paper from Staples and $10 in Free Coffee

Staples Logo

Deja Vu: 11 More Reams of Free Printer Paper from Staples and $10 in Free Coffee

I promise you, this is not a joke.  Staples has the same FAR (Free After Rebate) deal as last week.  Take a look at the coupon expiration dates if you don’t believe me.  Each FAR deal has a different rebate number, so they are technically different rebates.  Therefore, if you got 11 reams of free paper last week, you can do the same this week.

Staples Paper

Here are the 2 coupons you need (Staples Paper Deals 3-16-2014.pdf):

Staples Paper FAR Deals 3-16-2014

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Chase Freedom, Discover It, and Citi Dividend Q2 Category Comparisons


Chase Freedom, Discover It, and Citi Dividend Q2 Category Comparisons

On you marks, get set, shop!  It is almost April (technically today is March 16, so we round to the closest month), so here is a run down of all the rotating cash back categories.  (Hint, bust out your gardening gloves and tool belt, it’s time to get to work!)

Chase Freedom Categories:

  • Restaurants
  • Lowe’s Home Improvement Stores – you can buy Lowe’s gift cards for a 9.6% discount by going through Gift Card Granny.

Chase Freedom Q2 Activation

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5% Cash Back with Chase Freedom at Restaurants and Lowe’s Home Improvement Stores (Activation Open)

Chase Freedom

5% Cash Back with Chase Freedom at Restaurants and Lowe’s Home Improvement Stores (Activation Open)

Happy March 15 everyone!  Forget Pi Day (March 14), today is better.  Today is the day when you can activate your Chase Freedom’s 2nd Quarter Category Bonuses.  Click this link to activate your card.  The process is simple, take out your Chase Freedom Credit Card, type your last name, the last 4 digits on your credit card, and your zip code into the boxes.  Press the big green activate button and you are done!

Remember to wait until after March 31 to start using your Chase Freedom Credit Card.

Chase Freedom Q2 Activation

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a woman with blonde hair and a green shirt

5 Credit Card Applications, 4 Approvals, 3 Reconsideration Calls, 2 Business Cards, and 1 Pending Application

I did a 5 card app-o-rama early Thursday morning and here are my thoughts, suggestions, tips, tricks, and ways to improve your reconsideration calls.

Always have a plan and stick to your plan.  You don’t have to sign up for credit cards the first day or week to get the sign up bonus.  Most bonuses last a few weeks or months and often come back a few times throughout the year.  I always recommend waiting at least 3 months since your last credit card application (or app-o-rama in my case) before your next app-o-rama.  My last app-o-rama was on November 18 (link) and I got the following 6 cards:

  • US Bank Club Carlson Personal Credit Card
  • Bank of American Alaska Airlines Personal Credit Card
  • American Express Platinum Mercedes Benz Personal Credit Card
  • Citi Dividend Cash Back Credit Card (converted old Citi AA Card)
  • Chase IHG® Rewards Club Select Credit Card
  • Hilton Honors™ Surpass® Card from American Express (upgraded from American Express Hilton HHonors Credit Card)

Since my last app-o-rama, there have been a few new cards on my radar.  When planning your app-o-rama, make a list of all the cards you want to get.  Then organize them in the order in which you want to get them.  Ask yourself, “If I could only get 1 card, which card would it be?” For me, that was an easy question.  I am going for the Citi American Airlines Executive Credit Card with 100,000 American Airlines miles after spending $10,000 in 3 months.  Continue reading

Office Depot + Plink + Shopkick = 1 Big Happy Family

UPDATE 3/23/2014 at 11AM PST:  Shopkick lowered the amount that you will earn for shopping at Office Depot, so I had to recalculate my numbers.  Thank you Rajiv for the heads up.

Shop Kick Logo

Office Depot + Plink + Shopkick = 1 Big Happy Family

Create a Shopkick account here.

Plink Points not enough?  Well, you are in luck then.  A new company called Shopkick will reward you with Shopkick “Kicks” aka points for certain purchases.  The great thing is you can double dip with Plink Points and Shopkick Kicks on all Office Depot purchases.  You can link up to 6 Visa and MasterCard credit cards to Shopkick (hopefully one is an Ink Bold/Plus card).  The payout structure is shown below.  You earn 1 Kick per dollar plus bonus Kicks if you spend more than $25, $50, or $75.

Office Depot Shopkick Payout

Let’s say you wanted to buy a $200 Visa gift card at Office Depot with your Chase Ink Bold card, your total would come to $206.95.  Here is what you would get back:

  • 207 x 5 = 1,035 Chase Ultimate Reward Points
  • 300 Plink Points = $3.00 in Amazon/Walmart gift cards
  • 206+ 375 = 581 Shopkick Kicks = $? (see below)

Shopkick Kicks Earned at Office Depot

So what exactly is a Kick worth?   Continue reading