Tag Archives: Staples

Free Money Program Updates: Bluebird Reloads, Great Bridge Group, Plink Points, and Orbitz Rewards (& Free Checked Bags)

Shopping Cart Money

Free Money Program Updates: Bluebird Reloads, Great Bridge Group, Plink Points, and Orbitz Rewards (& Free Checked Bags)

Tis the season for giving and all through the house internet browser, not a penny was wasted, not even a mouse (what rhymes with browser? schnauzer?).  All rhyming aside, these 4 free money opportunities are out there for you.  I’m sure you got your fix of Small Business Saturday $10 statement credits, $25 Amazon statement credits, and whatever else American Express offers are out there.  Here are some of the lesser known options:

1 – Earn up to 1.5% cash back on all Bluebird online reloads by using a PayPal Debit Card (not a PayPal Prepaid MasterCard).  In November, I earned $17.22 in cash back ($1,148 x 1.5% cash back = $17.22) – read here

PayPal Bluebird Cash Back

2 – Earn cash back from Great Bridge Group for providing “shopping data” to their marketing agency.  They pay 1/10th of 1%, so you earn 1 penny per $10 you charge… on everything.  You are going to spend money on your credit and debit cards, why not earn a little bit extra?  I get more cash back spending money than my brother gets saving his money in his Wells Fargo savings account.  So far I have earned $60.08.  How much have you earned? – read here

Great Bridge Group Update

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Quick Notes: Gift Cards with PINs do not work right away and Staples FAR deal troubles

Quick Note

Quick Notes: Gift Cards with PINs do not work right away and Staples FAR deal troubles

I was in CVS this afternoon and bought a $20 Home Improvement Gift Card to test out (you can read Million Mile Secret’s post from yesterday for more info).  Walked next door to Walmart and tried to load this card to my Bluebird Card.  I even clicked “other payment options” and debit, but still didn’t work.  I had 2 MasterCard Gift Cards from Staples that I had just called to add a PIN.  Neither of those cards would load to Bluebird either.

Therefore, it looks like it takes at least 20 minutes (probably longer) for the PIN to be registered with the Home Improvement Gift Card and the other gift cards.  Let me know if your experiences are similar/different than mine.  My dad always goes to Home Depot, so I just gave the Home Improvement Gift Card to him in exchange for a $20 bill.


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a red sign with white text

How to Use Staples Easy Rebates Online to Claim Rebates

Most mail in rebates are a pain in the butt!  You have to cut out the UPC barcode from the product, fill out the form on the receipt, mail it off, wait 1-2 months, hope you get approved for the rebate, receive your rebate check or prepaid gift card in the mail, and then deposit the check or spend the gift card.  What a hassle!

Luckily, Staples knows our frustration and has created the Staples Easy Rebate program where all rebates can be completed 100% online.  No UPC bar codes, no stamps, no hassle. If you want to be old school, you can deal with the long, confusing receipts like the ones below (YUCK!).



Step 1: If you have a Staples Easy Rebate, go here.  If you bought it at a Staples Store, click the link on the left.  If you bought it online at www.staples.com, click the link on the right.



Step 2: I will show you how to do a Staples Easy Rebate for an item bought at a Staples Store. You will need your rebate receipt to complete the rebate online.  Click the Start Now button.



Step 3: On your rebate receipt, enter the Rebate Offer Number which looks like XX-XXXXX and your Rebate ID Number which is located at the very bottom of your receipt, below the bar code.  It is 17-18 numbers long.



Step 4: After you enter your first rebate, you can enter another rebate or click the Next button to continue.

Got More Rebates


Step 5: This screen shows which rebate you are working on, along with the rebate details. Click Next to continue.

Review Rebate Details


Step 6: If you already have a Staples Easy Rebate account, click the Retrieve button to sign into your account.  Otherwise, enter your mailing address, phone number, email address, and create a password.  Click Next to continue.

Create EZ Rebate Account


Step 7: Verify your mailing address, phone number, and email address.  Click Next to continue.

Verify Address


Step 8: Depending on your rebate, you may have the choice between getting a check mailed to you, a Staples Gift Card mailed to you, or a PayPal payment sent to your PayPal account.  In this particular rebate, the default option was a check in the mail.

Check Default

Luckily for me, there is a link to change the rebate to a PayPal Payment.

PayPal Option

If you want to go back to a check in the mail, you can click the link.  If you are happy with a Paypal Payment, click Next to continue.

PayPal Screen


Step 9: Verify your mailing address, phone number, and email address one more time.  If you are happy with your rebate payment method, click the Submit Rebate button.

EZ Rebate Confirmation Screen


Step 10: The date of submission is June 5 and the rebate takes 4-6 weeks to process, so I should receive my rebate between July 3 and July 17.



Step 11: You will receive a confirmation email telling you that the rebate information was received.



Step 12: After a couple of hours or days, you will receive another email telling you that they are processing your rebate now.



Step 13: After a few weeks, hopefully you get an email that says they finished processing your rebate and will send your rebate payment soon.



Step 14: You can track your rebate by clicking the link in the email.



Step 15: On July 1 (a few days before the 4 week time table), I received my Paypal payment.



Step 16: You can view the rebate in your Paypal account.


You are all set.  If you have any questions, please leave a comment below.