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Part 6: Interview with a Professional Uber/Lyft Driver – Why Uber Now Supports Multiple Stops in the App

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Here at TWG, we have our Uber insider, Harry Campbell. Whenever there’s something about Uber we want to know or understand better, he’s the man! Recently, Uber started allowing multiple stops, so I thought I’d reach out to Harry and get his take on this. I asked him a few questions:

  • Why did it take Uber this long to have this feature?
  • Will it benefit the drivers?
  • What’s your general take on this addition and Uber these days?
a screen shot of a phone

Image source: https://dribbble.com/shots/2277631-Uber-Multiple-Stops

Here’s what Harry had to say…

Yea this is a feature that drivers have wanted for a long time. The old system was always a hassle since Uber would send drivers ‘next trip requests’ based off their final destination so if a passenger had to make a stop it was a complicated process to ensure that the driver wouldn’t get new ride requests while still with their passenger. It probably won’t make a huge impact but I do think Uber’s 180 Days of Change has started to address a lot of the smaller pain points like this for drivers. I still think Uber is one of the most flexible jobs in the world and although the pay has gone down over the years, it’s still a great gig for part-timers who value income and scheduling flexibility.”

Thanks to Harry for keeping us in the loop!

Have you had any experience yet with the new multi-stop Uber feature? Let us know!

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