Did you know that New York City just became the first major U.S. city to limit ride-hailing services? This news grabbed my attention because of something that happened the last time I was in NYC. As I was walking by City Hall I noticed that it was sealed off. On the front steps a protest was in progress. I saw press coverage and someone was making a speech. I walked around the park for a bit and then as I was leaving the area I saw one of the protestors with a man I assumed was a politician. They were being interviewed by a television station. It was the tail end of the interview so I didn’t catch much. The protest signs said something about taxi drivers committing suicide, but not living in New York City I had no idea what this meant or what story it was referencing. I meant to do some research but forgot about it.

Image source: https://www.npr.org/2018/08/09/637008474/new-york-city-temporarily-halts-more-uber-and-lyft-cars-on-the-road
Then I saw this story and remembered the connection to the protest. Granted this is a complicated issue, especially in cities like NYC, where there are good points being made by the many groups who both have a lot to gain and lose when cities begin legislating services like ride-hailing services. If you’re interested in topics like this and surely if you’ll be in NYC anytime soon and use Uber or Lyft, this information is good to know.
I walk or take the subway when I’m in NYC so I did not use any ride-sharing services during my stay. If you’ve had recent experience with a taxi, Uber or Lyft in NYC, did the drivers talk about any of this with you?