Calling Bluebird to Verify Debit Card and Bank Account Information
If you have tried to load your Bluebird Card with a debit card online (see this post), you may have seen the following error messages.

Recently I have started seeing this error message show up in my Bluebird account when I try to load my Bluebird Card with my PayPal Debit Card. I called Bluebird customer service last night and they needed to verify some of my personal information and accounts. They needed proof that my PayPal Debit Card was registered in my name and to my mailing address and some information with about my bank account.
When I called last night, they informed me that they would need to conference in PayPal and my bank (OC Credit Union). Since PayPal is open 24/7 but my bank is open at 8am PST, they told me to call back in the morning.
This morning, I called the direct Bluebird account verification department (1-800-660-2454). You do not get a friendly Bluebird customer service agent, but an agent that sounded similar to the American Express Financial Review department. They speak very strictly, so you have to be on your game with all your accounts and numbers in order.
Anyways, after I called Bluebird this morning, the agent called PayPal and after a 10 minute hold, I was finally able to speak with the PayPal representative. The PayPal representative was unable to find my PayPal Debit Card in PayPal’s system, even after giving her the entire 16 digit card number. At that point, I could sense that the Bluebird agent was very skeptical of me. I pushed the PayPal representative to double check and to log into my PayPal account and look at my current PayPal Debit Cards. At that point, that PayPal representative was able to find my PayPal Debit Card and verify my name and mailing address.
One down and one to go.
Next, the Bluebird agent called my bank. After a few minutes on hold, the Bluebird agent stated that she was able to verify my bank account information and she restored full access to my Bluebird account, including online debit card funding. I attempted to load my Bluebird account with a $100 online reload and it worked perfectly.

If you have any questions, please leave a comment below.