Tag Archives: Newegg

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3 Upcoming American Express Endings: Redeeming Membership Rewards Points at Newegg & Staples, ShopRunner Benefit & AMEX Auto Purchasing Program

Good afternoon everyone, I hope you had a great weekend.  Yesterday, I was reviewing my recent American Express statements and saw a few upcoming changes that I wanted you to be aware of.  Thankfully, none of these changes are huge.  Without further ado, here are the 3 changes.

Bye bye AMEX MR Redemptions at Newegg.com and Staples.com

Effective March 31, 2025, Card Members will no longer be able to redeem Membership Rewards points on www.newegg.com and www.staples.com.

I have made several purchases at Newegg.com and Staples.com over the years, but have never used my AMEX MR Points to pay for my orders since I assumed it was a bad deal.  My assumption was correct!  On both websites, you can redeem 14,286 AMEX MR Points to offset $100, which is a terrible redemption at 0.7 CPP.  Good riddance to this redemption option!

a screenshot of a checkout

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