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How to Load PayPal My Cash Cards to your PayPal Account

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These cards can be found at CVS, grocery stores, gas stations, and other stores.  They have a similar look and feel to the Vanilla Reload Cards, but these can only be loaded to your PayPal account.  They do have the same $3.95 activation fee per card.  Here is the front and back of the PayPal My Cash Card:

a close-up of a credit card

a close-up of a credit card

Here is a copy of my receipt showing the $3.95 fee.  I was able to use my credit card to pay for the purchase.

a receipt with a barcode

You will need to go to https://www.paypal-cash.com/ and click the yellow PayPal Access button to get started.

PayPal Cash Home

Enter your PayPal account login information.

PayPal Cash Log In Continue PayPal Login

The PayPal My Cash Card has a $500 daily reload limit and a $4,000 calendar month reload limit.  Scratch off the back of the PayPal My Cash Card to reveal the 10 digit PIN and enter that into the text box.

Load Funds to PayPal Cash2

Double check that the amount is correct and click the Yes, Load It Up button (such enthusiasm from PayPal).

Load Funds to PayPal Cash3

Here is the confirmation screen showing the details of your recent reload.  It will also show you how much more you can load that day ($0 for me) and how much more you can load that month ($3,500 for me).  If you have another PayPal My Cash Card, you can load it to a different PayPal account or try again the following day.

PayPal Cash Load Complete

Before loading the PayPal My Cash Card into my PayPal account, I had a current balance of $372.50.

Current PayPal Balance

After loading my PayPal My Cash Card, my PayPal balance went up $500 to $872.50.

New PayPal Account Balance

Here is the reload details, it even knows that you bought the PayPal My Cash Card at CVS.

PayPal Cash Load Transaction Details

You will also receive a confirmation email of your recent PayPal My Cash Card reload.

PayPal Cash Reload Email

That’s it.  If you have a PayPal Business Debit Card, you can use that card to reload your Bluebird Card ($400 daily debit transaction maximum) or you can earn cash back by loading your Bluebird Card online (link).

If you have any questions, please leave a comment below.

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330 thoughts on “How to Load PayPal My Cash Cards to your PayPal Account

  1. Jennifer Stiko

    Has anyone had trouble lately buying the PayPal my cash cards with credit at Walgreens? My location’s manager told me “they” are no longer accepting credit cards on any gift card purchases because they’ve been having issues with money laundering. I asked if it was going to be that way at all Walgreens locations and he said “it should be.” If this is true, can you tell me where else people buy them with credit, besides rite aid or cvs? Thanks!

  2. Kim

    Walgreens says that for most of the reload cards that you purchase from them. They even take down driver’s license/ID info and enter it into their system. The funny thing is, when I buy reload cards at other stores (Walmart, Foods for Less, 7-11, etc) none will ask for any of that info!

      1. Paige

        Please Help. I got a Pay Pal My Cash Card and when I scratched off the film over the pin, it removed all but the last 3 numbers. I have contacted Pay Pal via email. I called the number on the back of the card and it just hangs up after saying all circuits are busy. You seem to know more than anyone out here about these cards. Can they be swiped and used to pay for anything? Or will Pay Pal eventually refund my money? I have the receipt and card. Thanks!!!!

        1. Grant

          Hi Paige, I’m not sure what to do in this situation. I would try calling the regular PayPal my cash card number or sending a tweet to PayPal on Twitter. I’m not sure you will be able to get a refund back to the card. I wish you good luck with the process.

  3. ParkDanIl

    The registers at CVS require ID to be scanned for any amount $300 or greater in prepaid products. I wouldn’t be surprised if other stores followed suit.

  4. Giovanni

    Hi Grant,
    i have some question about mycash, i really appreciate if you can answer them.
    -Does Paypal Mycash or Paypal ask for SSN if you try to topup an account with Paypal MyCash card ?
    -Once i topup my paypal account with Mycash card, can i send the money to a friend or can i withdraw them through a credit/debit card (visa, mastercard) ?
    Thanks Grant, sorry for my bad english.

    1. Grant

      You do not need to enter your SSN to buy or load the PPMCCs. You should only use then to pay for eBay items, otherwise PayPal will freeze your account.

  5. Erica

    Since you can load the card with a credit card (crazy enough already, right?), can you load it with a stores gift card? I have a feeling if I asked Wal-Mart they wouldn’t know. I know I’ve bought other brand’s gift cards before, just trying to figure out if this would be a good way to “cash in” some unwanted gift cards without losing too much value. Can’t seem to find the answer anywhere and you seem to be very knowledgable.

  6. Corey Miller

    Any idea what the “reload fee” is? I seen the card is reusable but the website doesn’t say if reloading it is the same cost as the initial purchase fee

      1. shawn

        Where can you reload the card again?Because I purchased the card at Walgreens and went to reload money back on it and the cashier said that it stated something about calling the number on back of the card.

        1. Grant

          Do you have the new reloadable version of the PPMCC? If so, the cashier should be able to scan the barcode on the back and add funds just as if it were a new PPMCC.

  7. Jack

    Grant, have you tried purchasing the PayPal My Cash card at CVS *with* your PayPal Business Debit card to obtain 1% cash back on the purchase? You’d be making $1.05 on every $500 transaction after you deduct the $3.95 fee. All told it would only add up to $8.40 per month, but it is free money. Something tells me this would still get red-flagged in PayPal’s system, however. Might be worth a try just for kicks and to experience a completely closed-loop transaction.

    1. Grant

      I wouldn’t recommend doing that. My PayPal account is frozen because I loaded PPMCCs and used them with my PPBDC. I would avoid PPMCCs moving forward.

        1. Grant

          Sure, I was buying plenty of PPMCCs and using my PPBDC with Serve online debit card loads, using Evolve Money to pay my PPEMC, and paying Citi CC online with PPBDC. PayPal doesn’t want you to do anything other than pay for eBay items or other online PayPal payments when you find your account with PPMCCs.

  8. whitney

    Grant, I’ve only been doing $2k/month. $1k to load bluebird and $1k to pay rent with RadPad….you think i’m under the radar enough to be ok?

  9. Wintima

    What are PPMC funds suppose to be used for?
    Can one load with PPMC and withdraw from ATM?
    If yes then does Paypal sometimes limits people’s accounts and withdrawing it from ATM?
    Help us understand so we don’t get into trouble with paypal.

    1. Grant

      The sole purpose of PPMCCs is to have people use PayPal that do not have a bank account, credit, or debit card. Withdrawing funds via ATM or sending money to friends/family will get your PayPal account flagged.

      1. Jean Baker

        Why is that? I have a client and because this person does not have a personal paypal account, buys the ppmc card and I put it into my account and withdraw it from an atm. I’ve been using paypal for over 6 years. This now concerns me. I don’t understand why they would freeze a person’s account?

        1. Grant

          PayPal is a strange company. They don’t make any money from customers who load funds to their account and immediately withdraw funds to their bank account.

  10. Alejandro

    So I live in the us and bought a prepaid card of PayPal and tried to send it to my friend in uk and it wouldn’t let him redeem it because he had a uk account what do I do someone help please.

  11. greenwillow7

    I tried to buy PayPal My Cash=>My Paypal card at CVS with credit card two days ago, but they told me they only accept cash for this kind of card. I am in Ohio. I am wondering if there is any other place to buy PPMCC with credit card. Thanks!

      1. BB

        I have a question im about to load $3500 to my PayPal account and I was going to transfer it to my netspend account but I’m thinking that wouldn’t be a smart move should I get a PayPal reload card or prepaid card and also where can I go to pull all of my money off of it??

        1. Grant

          I think anything you do that involves PayPal is a bad idea. PayPal is very quick about freezing PayPal accounts for moving money through the accounts.

  12. Joseph

    Hey Grant, is possible to load money onto my Paypal account using the PayPal cash cards, even though I am not linked to a bank account?

  13. Mitch

    So you do not recommend going to Rite Aid/CVS to put $250 on a PPMCC, loading it into my PayPal account, converting that money to Rubles and sending it to my girlfriend in Russia?

    1. Grant

      I don’t recommend that approach. PayPal wants you to spend the money on eBay or with another merchant who accepts PayPal, not to send the money to others.

  14. Kevin

    They sell pay pal gift cards at pc richards by me and I have a pc richards credit card. If I were to buy 500 worth of cards with my credit card and load up paypal, can I then withdraw that to my checking account?

    1. Grant

      PayPal will probably freeze your PayPal account if you do that 2-3 times. They have very little tolerance for people who load up their PayPal account with PPMCCs and then withdraw the funds to their bank account or transfer the funds to another PayPal account.

  15. JR

    Two questions:
    1. Can you load PayPal cash cards with Amex gift cards?

    2. If I use the funds uploaded to my Paypal balance to “send money to friends & family” will that trigger a shut down of the PayPal acct? I understand transferring money back to the bank account would, but how about sending money to a friend’s email address?

      1. android

        I accidentally loaded 2 my cash cards in 1 day. exceeding the daily card and load limit. When I waited til the next day to try again it says pin already used and my daily limit is already 0 and it never went through. Also error 4003

    1. Grant

      You can try that too, not sure how long you can get away doing that though. I think it really depends how much you load your PayPal account. If you load $4,000 of PPMCCs and then buy $4,000 of money orders, your account will probably be flagged.

    1. Grant

      You will probably get 1 warning and if you continue doing whatever you were doing, they will freeze your account for 6 months, then send you your money, and then close your PayPal account.

  16. Riri225

    If I have a reusable paypal card and enter in the numbers do the money go directly into my PayPal acct…

    And once it’s in my account can I withdraw that money on my debit card..

    Or is it better to connect the PayPal reusable Mastercard to my account. .

    1. Grant

      When you load the money from your PPMCC to your PayPal account, you shouldn’t withdraw the money to your bank account. PayPal will freeze your account if you do that a few times.

  17. Leah

    If someone needs money and I get the PayPal cash reload, can they use the money to purchase an airline ticket from the airport?

    1. Grant

      I’m not sure how you would be able to use PayPal to buy an airline ticket at the airport, but most airlines allow you to use PayPal to purchase a ticket from their website.

      1. Grant

        Hi LaShawn, I don’t know what the 203 error is but it probably means that the PPMCC was not loaded to your PayPal account successfully. Sorry that is not very helpful :(

      2. CHTISTINE

        Sorry, the redemption of your My Cash card could not be completed at this time.
        Please try again, and if the problem isn’t resolved, then call My Cash card customer service at 855-721-5035.

        My Cash Error Code = 203
        too many people have same problem .

          1. nic

            Do you have anymore details on the system being down or where you saw that? I’ve been trying to load a card for 3-4 days, but keep getting the 203 error code

          2. Grant

            I’ve asked a few people and they told me the issue was resolved, I guess not for everyone. Can you try loading from a different browser?

  18. Riri225

    If someone purchased a reusable paypal for me and the digits they scratch off do I enter those in and it go directly to my ppacct…

  19. Todd

    Stupid question. Can I load cash into my account using PayPal my cash and use it to pay my PayPal credit balance? Or will this also risk flagging and account suspension. I’m guessing not as I’m sure they assume I’ll not pay the $500 balance I have lol

    1. Grant

      That’s what I was doing and they did not like that I was using “1 credit product to pay another credit product.” I would not recommend doing that.

  20. Frenkie

    Hey i was wondering how i can take money out my paypal account? say i just sold a watch and i received money on my paypal..can i get physical cash ? do i need to purchase a paypal creditcard? and if so can i withdraw cash from the card? will i need proof of id? how would i be a ble to get cash? without linking my bank acc? can i make a money order to me? is there a way i can withdraw anonymously,please help. Thanks! Frenkie

    1. Grant

      To get money out of your PayPal account, you can link a bank account or get a PayPal Business Debit Card. You can then get cash from ATMs with the debit card or cash back from certain merchants.

  21. Risha

    Grant I haven’t been able to load a mycash card I purchased a few days ago. It keeps saying error 203 when I try loading. Heard of any problems with ppmcc lately?

  22. Panda


    I can’t find ANY ppmc cards anywhere. I was told it’s because it’s so close to Christmas they’re selling out as soon as they get them in. I do, however, have an old ppmc that I found laying around. Few quick questions for you…

    -I don’t think that it’s the last card I bought, will that affect reloading?
    -Can I reload this old card using my Debit Visa on the website?
    -Or, do I have to goto a Walgreens and do it in person?

    Thanks in advance!


    1. Grant

      You can try calling local Walgreens, CVS, and RiteAid stores and asking if they have any PPMCCs in stock before driving over. If you have old PPMCCs that say they can be reloaded, you should be able to take them in store and reload them. If they don’t say reloadable, then you will not be able to use them again.

  23. Ruel

    Hi Grant,
    My account has been deactivated and I still have an UNUSED PPMCC. How can I request a refund or How can I liquidate the card? Please advise. Thank you in advance.

  24. Phoenix

    If you buy the reloadable pay pal cards instead of the ones you can buy that can only be filled once, is there a monthly fee?

  25. Ryan

    I have both business and personal PayPal accounts in my name. If I limit my PPMCC activity to my business account, is there a risk that PayPal could close my personal account as well?

    1. Grant

      Yes, there is a risk. They can see the name, address and SSN registered to both accounts and will probably freeze both if one accounts does something bad.

      1. Ryan

        I opened a biz account specifically to use for paying rent (I freelance out of my home office). Won’t be maxing the $4K, just enough to make the monthly rent payment to my landlord in another state via the PPDMC. So I don’t care about the biz account, but I’d be very disappointed if they shut down my personal account of 10 years.

  26. bill

    Thanks for all your great info. Question:

    Today I tried to purchase two PPMC’s with my CC for $500 each at my local CVS. The person at the register didn’t seem too familiar with any of it, and we attempted the transaction twice, neither time it would work. He asked a manager who also didn’t seem certain and the manager said he thinks they were cash only.

    Now at home, I’m looking at my CC account online and I can see both attempted authorizations for the $1,000+ transactions.

    My question is, was there something I could have done at the store to make this transaction work with CVS’s system? Obviously it was not a problem on my CC side of things.

    Thanks in advance!

    1. Grant

      Hmm, it sounds like the CVS cashier/manager might have entered the wrong key that did not make the payment go through. Keep checking your credit card statement to make sure the charge does not post to your card.

  27. PhatMiles

    I had the same issue. I had that issue on Chrome/Firefox on PC.
    When tried in Chrome on the mobile, it worked.

  28. Kai

    hi grant, i’ve been out of this game awhile, heard about bb/serve is shutting down due to ms, but since mine is still active, can you still transfer fun from your pp busines debit to bluebird?

  29. Divyesh patel

    hey i just bought the pay pal cash card and added 340$ to it but when i went to http://www.paypal.com/cash and entered the my 10 digit pin which was back on the card a new window poped up but nothing coming on that window so how can i solve the problem please help me sir . i tried to call them but there is no one to answer. i really appreciate if you can help me. thanks

  30. Dawn

    I used to be able to buy the Pat Pal my cash reloadable cards at Dollar General….and at CVS. The 6 CVS stores in my area np longer carry these….and when I take one I got somewhere else to either of these 6 CVS locations for reload (for as small an amount as 30.00) their system won’t reload it. They say they don’t do it there I have even shown the managers the PayPal website that says CVS is a reload location for these cards. I have 3 times that many Dollar General stores in my area. At first the problem was finding cards in stock. Now…they seem to not even be carrying them any more . There is no slot on the display for them now . ..where as before there was an empty slot that had a bar code showing for reorder. When they did carry them…you had to take a “my vanillla” reload card with you to the register so it could be scanned for the reload….then your card would be swipped. Now they don’t even have those my vanilla reload cards out. I was still able to get it loaded the first few times I tried. Got 100.00 on it a week ago at a Dollar General. I went back 4 days later to load another 100.00 on the same card….and their system would not do it . Whatever card they scanned to do the reload (before they swiped my pay pal card no longer worked ). It kept coming back as “declined” the manager said . I went back the next day… different Dollar General to try the reload. Still wouldn’t work. The manager at this location told me that she has a few other customers that reload the card at that location and theirs havery not been able to be reloaded the last few times they have tried as well. Walgreens in my area has NEVER carried the cards there. I did find them for a while at Office Depot. Nowhere . ..and I repeat NOWHERE in my area has these things for sale anymore….nor can you reload them at any of the places that USED to sell them. This is very frustrating, Don’t have them listed as retailers to purchase from if you can’t buy them there.
    I see several comments here about a daily 500.00 limit. Mine was/is 400.00 per day…or 4000.00 per month. Which I have never came close to exceeding. I have always only used the monies loaded to pay for ebay purchases…occasionally another online purchase. I can’t get any information from managers at any of the places that sold these cards as to why they no longer have them…or if they will ever have them again. Seems like none of them have a clue at all about them. I have started buying the eBay cards instead. I have also noticed that theseems store that used to carty the my cash PayPal cards…now have a large section of PayPal reload able Mastercard debit cards …maybe they want you to buy those instead. Who knows ! I am very unhappy with whoever is to blame for the sudden disappearacne of the my cash cards in my area. These were very convenient ….and I loved that I didn’t have to involve transferring money from my bank account to my pay pal account any more . I would just love an explanation as to what the heck is going on with the cards and why the are not being sold at the locations the pay pal my cash site says they are!?

    1. Grant

      I understand your frustration, it sounds like you tried everything possible to find and buy/reload PPMCCs. I think buying eBay gift cards is the next best thing, especially since you mentioned you buy on eBay frequently. Check back in a few weeks to see if the PPMCCs are easy to find/reload. Good luck!

  31. Hanh

    Hello! Do you know if one of these cards would work with an unverified PayPal account? I haven’t purchased a card yet but am considering buying one at Walgreens later in the future.

    1. Grant

      What is stopping you from verifying your PayPal account? When you verify your PayPal account, I believe you get additional features and functionalities, including higher limits and more freedom.

      1. Hanh

        Since I’m a minor, I’m not able to verify my account due to an absence of a credit card/bank account. I don’t often make purchases so the sending/spending limitations don’t seem to bother me as much as it would if I were, let’s say, an adult.


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