Author Archives: Shelli

About Shelli

Shelli Stein is a health and fitness entrepreneur who travels the world in search of culture, food, and fun! Besides contributing to Travel with Grant, you can find her at Joy in Movement.

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75% Bonus on Purchased IHG Rewards Points (Expires February 28)

In certain languages, people wish each other Happy New Month! I like that. It’s a new month, so of course there are new opportunities for buying more points with bonuses. This one from IHG is interesting because IHG taketh away in that they made category changes for award nights. Then IHG giveth some point purchasing bonuses! Their last two bonuses were for 100%, and this one is for 75% (bonus expires February 28). It’s important to note that in the new year, the number of points we can purchase gets reset, so we’re back to being able to purchase up to 60,000 IHG Rewards points this year. Did IHG changing their Pointbreaks scheme make a difference in whether or not you’ll buy IHG points going forward?

a woman in a car

a hammock on a beach

[Update: Riots Get Even Nuttier] Nutella Riots Hit France

Updated 5:15pm PT on 1/31: The Nutella riot saga gets even nuttier! See for yourself.

How I wish I had been in France this past Thursday! The eighth wonder of the world went on sale, and I would have gone nutty like the rest of France! I’ll let the Nutella riots speak for themselves.

a group of plastic containers of chocolate spread

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a blue sign with white text

Another Cool Use for SeatGuru

It’s great when you keep finding more uses for an app or website that you use on a regular basis anyway. I would think many of us use SeatGuru to check seat maps and perhaps gather some information from others who post reviews of certain seats. After all, it’s called SEATguru :) Recently, I figured out that people post great pictures on SeatGuru and I could use them to compare Dreamliner configurations. Then this past week, I discovered that SeatGuru is also an easy resource to use for another question and comparison I was making.

a screenshot of a computer

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a group of houses with trees in the background

6 Things to See & Do in Lisbon (Besides Eating Pastries)

Last year’s love affair was with sLOVEnia. This year’s love affair, though it’s early in the year, seems destined to be with Portugal, and in particular, Lisbon. Portugal works for me on so many levels. The people, culture, food, geography, and general vibe of the place just suited me perfectly. I know for many travelers, Portugal is likely to be a been-there-done-that destination. For me, it was my first visit, and if I had been-there-and done-that before, I for sure would have gone back over and over again. That’s how much I enjoyed it!  Please check out Part 1 and Part 2 of my pastry love affair. Without gushing too much about how wonderful Lisbon is, I want to give you 6 ideas for what to do and see that won’t likely end up on any MUST SEE lists you’ll find online.

1. Campo Pequeno is a bullfight arena that hosted the Portuguese bullfights since 1892. The building is stunning! It’s a beautiful neo-arabian building, all made of bricks, that was entirely renovated in 2006. There’s a museum dedicated to the history of bullfighting. The lowest level is now a shopping mall with a movie theater and restaurants. As I’d never been inside a bullfight arena before, I really found it very interesting just to walk around. I thought turning the bottom level into a mall was actually a good use of the space. It’s always fun to walk through malls when I travel and see what’s different or unique.

a large building with a sign on the front

Campo Pequeno Bullring. Image source:

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a hammock on a beach

Have you Visited Ireland’s Most Popular Tourist Attraction?

Do you know what Ireland’s most popular tourist attraction is? I wrote about it back in 2016. And it’s in the news again. So if you’re ready to embrace the ‘stache, you’ll enjoy this article!

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Guinness Storehouse in Dublin. Image source: