Author Archives: Shelli

About Shelli

Shelli Stein is a health and fitness entrepreneur who travels the world in search of culture, food, and fun! Besides contributing to Travel with Grant, you can find her at Joy in Movement.

a blue sign with white text

Don’t Overlook the Hidden Benefits of the Amex Platinum Card

Do you know ALL the benefits of the American Express Platinum card? If you do, I’m impressed because there are 20 of them! I can sometimes remember the names of the Seven Dwarfs, but the 20 benefits of the Amex Platinum card…….no way. Continue reading

a close up of stamps

Toilet Signage Around The World: Helpful or Confusing?

Is a picture worth 1000 words? Maybe yes and maybe no. Pictures, after all, are open to many interpretations. Some situations just don’t lend themselves to words. Apparently the world is in a transitional toilet state. Toilet signs used in bathrooms are one of those situations where pictures make more sense than words. Yet communication, local custom, and issues of public health intersect making even the best toilet sign complicated to understand. Continue reading

a blue sign with white text

Amex Gold Card Rebranded: To Keep or Not To Keep, That is the Question!

Sometimes procrastination is a good thing. But in my case I’m still not sure. I’ve had the American Express Premier Rewards Gold Card for many years. When the Amex Everyday credit card came on the scene I always meant to get that card and give up my Amex Premier card, but I never got around to doing that. The news now is that as of October 4, Amex rebranded the Premier Gold Card with the new name American Express Gold Card. Amex says, “New benefits, new look, same card only better.” The rebranding gives us more or less opportunities to earn Membership Rewards points, depending on our spending habits. I’m still on the fence as to what I’ll now use my card for and if I’ll keep it. Continue reading

a close up of a bag

McDonalds Menus From Around The World: Which Ones Are Worth Trying?

When traveling, some travelers use McDonalds as a gauge for how expensive a place is to visit. They equate the cost of items on a McDonalds menu with the cost of living in that location. Other travelers pop into a McDonalds to see if any interesting local foods are on the menu, foods they can’t order from a US McDonalds menu. And though I rarely pop into a McDonalds, the more I read about some of the local items on their menus that I’ve missed in my travels, I’m thinking I just might start checking out McDonalds menus when I visit a place. Continue reading

a close up of stamps

Great Deal: Packable Backpack from Eddie Bauer 50% off (limited time)

Quick post to let you know about a great packable backpack deal happening now! Last month I was undecided about which packable backpack to purchase and asked for reader’s suggestions. You can read that post here. One of the most highly recommended ones was a packable backpack from Eddie Bauer. Today, Jason over at Points With a Crew spotted the backpack on sale at 50% off and at a better price than he found at Amazon. Check out the deal and Jason’s review here.  Happy shopping!!