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Calling All Readers, Help Me Reach 500 Email Newsletter Subscribers!

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Good afternoon everyone, I hope your weekend is going well.  I am trying to reach 500 email newsletter subscribers and I need your help.  I am currently at 476 subscriber and have added 10 new subscribers in the last 1.5 months.  My newsletter goes out everyday at 4pm PT, but only on days when I have a new blog post (usually 2-3 times per week).  For comparison, I have 4,790 followers on Twitter, 659 followers on Facebook, and 228 followers on Instagram (and I have never posted anything on Instagram).

I really appreciate my long time newsletter subscribers and I hope that I can add a few more subscribers to the team.

a screenshot of a computer

If you want to sign up for my newsletter, please enter your email address in the blue subscribe box (located to the right of this post if you are reading on a computer or below this post if you are on your phone).

a sign up form with a blue and white background

Thank you for reading and subscribing to my newsletter.  Have a great weekend everyone!

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2 thoughts on “Calling All Readers, Help Me Reach 500 Email Newsletter Subscribers!

    1. Grant Post author

      Hi Holly, thank you for letting me know and I am sorry that the popup doesn’t work properly. I thought I disabled that popup. Looks like the sidebar widget option is working properly though.


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