Author Archives: Shelli

About Shelli

Shelli Stein is a health and fitness entrepreneur who travels the world in search of culture, food, and fun! Besides contributing to Travel with Grant, you can find her at Joy in Movement.

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Alaska Airlines: Ticket Prices DO Go Down!

Sometimes I have bits of great information to share with you, but they don’t warrant a whole blog post on their own. So today I’m creating an Alaska Airlines Kitchen Galley Sink post to offer some reminders and stories.

Ticket Prices Do Go Down!

Recently I had a frustrating experience with Alaska Airlines when the price of my ticket went down. It’s a challenge to keep track of whether or not the prices I pay for airline tickets go DOWN in price. Why not get a refund I can use towards future flights, right?

Boeing 737-700s are getting a facelift

Boeing 737-700s are getting a facelift and I’m paying less for my seat!

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Hyatt’s Fall Promo: Hit the Snooze Button!

Being the Hyatt fan girl here at TWG I take my responsibility of keeping readers up to date on all things Hyatt pretty seriously. But this fall promo……… let’s just say I’m pretty seriously disappointed. Let me lay out Hyatt’s fall promotion and then I’ll tell you why it’s a snoozer.

Promo Offer

The promo time frame is between September 1, 2018 and November 30, 2018. It’s a tiered promotion so the more nights you stay, the more points you’ll earn.  Hyatt offers bonus points for every 5-10 nights you stay at a Hyatt property. Stay five nights, get 2,500 points. After another five nights, get another 5,000 points for a combined total of 7,500. After that you earn between 10,000-25,000 Hyatt points for every 10 nights you stay during those 3 months. Staying 40 nights before the promo ends earns 60,000 bonus points.

Tiers for Hyatt Fall Promo 2018 Continue reading

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Alaska Airlines Promises We’ll Love These Updates & Upgrades

Alaska Airlines promises it’s on a mission to create an airline we’ll love! Love is a strong word, though I’d say if I did love any airline, it just might be Alaska. And you know how it is when you’re “almost” in love, you want to keep track of how the relationship is going. Alaska Airlines just announced enhancements worth keeping track of, though some of the benefits started this past spring. For instance, Alaska is updating aircraft, changing up their menu, and announcing airport lounge openings.

Alaska Airlines updates and changes-8-2018 Continue reading

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Roy’s: Great Offer Through September 9

Roy’s has a great deal right now, and I’m definitely taking advantage of it. My three favorite Roy’s classics are on the menu!

Roy's Menu

One restaurant for me that always gets it right is Roy’s. I’ve been a fan of Roy’s for many years now. No matter which Roy’s I go to, it’s always a wonderful experience. I’ve even hosted big birthday celebrations at Roy’s and if I do say so myself, they’ve become events that are talked about for years!

Roy's Special Offer September 2018

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Marriott’s NEW Free Night Award Chart is Live!

Keeping track of Marriott’s free night awards just got easier! Take a wild guess how many hotels are now in the Marriott Rewards program? I was way off. Marriott Rewards combined program brings together 6,700 hotels. That’s a lot of hotels to keep track of.

a screenshot of a hotel

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