Update 12/1/17 at 12pm PT: The winner of the free Disney World Hacks ebook is Susan P with this comment:
Our most memorable bad experience was riding the teacups with my daughter, getting nauseous and puking when I got off. Hate things that go in circles.
My most memorable best memory was my daughter weighing her choices on which outfit to spend her money on. She thought it out well.
Hope to make new memories one day again.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the giveaway. If you did not win, please use GRANT in the promo code field and you’ll get $1 off the ebook price.
Have you been thinking about making all your dreams come true? If you’re a Disney World enthusiast, then I’ve got just what you need! Thank Goofy I found out about a hot off the presses ebook that’s a must read. Have you never been to Disney World and planning a trip, or been there and going again? Even the regular visitor who goes once or twice a year will pick up more Disney World hacks from Dia’s ebook then they can shake a magic wand at.
I just finished reading Dia’s Disney World Hacks ebook and wow, it’s amazing. She is biased both towards value and getting the biggest bang for your buck while at Disney World. She’s honest in admitting that while over-planning can put a damper on your Disney holiday, good planning starts with asking yourself a few questions. The better you know yourself and your family regarding your needs and expectations, the more you’ll enjoy yourself at Disney World. She should know. She’s been there over 20 times!

Walt Disney World Magic Kingdom Park. Image source: https://disneyworld.disney.go.com/attractions/frozen/
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