Author Archives: Shelli

About Shelli

Shelli Stein is a health and fitness entrepreneur who travels the world in search of culture, food, and fun! Besides contributing to Travel with Grant, you can find her at Joy in Movement.

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Don’t Check Your Car Rental Rates For a Price Drop: Do This Instead!

Paying more than we need to when we travel can range from embarrassing to downright unnecessary. The holiday season is here and that means lots of travel coming up.The three biggies in travel expenses are airfare, hotels, and car rentals. For two of those I’ve got surefire ways of making sure I don’t overpay. Today’s story is about how what many people do to monitor their car rental rates simply isn’t necessary to get the lowest rate. Continue reading

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Use These Airports? Beware Because They Rank Lowest When It Comes To Cyber Security

Sometimes when your home airport is listed in the top five it’s good news. But not in this case! If like me you use one of these airports either as your home airport or as an airport you frequent, pay attention! This is your “make sure hackers don’t get you” reminder.

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Amazon Offering Free Shipping During the Holidays!

It’s no big news story that Amazon wants to be MOTU (Master of the Universe)……well at the very least the shopping universe! So when this story became news last week about Amazon offering free shipping during the holiday season, it wasn’t that much of a surprise.  Continue reading

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Don’t Take This Long-Haul Flight Advice Sitting Down!

Sitting for long periods of time on airplanes is an experience many of us have had. My longest flight was 15 hours, and though all those movies and business class meals helped to pass the time, that’s still a long time to be in an airplane. Of course I don’t sit all the time. I get up and walk around as often as I need to. Continue reading

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Two Best Websites to Use for Tracking Black Friday & Cyber Monday Deals

Time passes so quickly and I can’t believe it’s almost time for Black Friday. A friend of mine seems to be the most savvy Black Friday shopper I know of. He gets obsessed this time of year. Here is some quick advice from him about Black Friday. My friend mentioned that the term Black Friday came into heavy usage in the early 2000’s. Heavy usage sure does lead to heavy shopping!

This same Black Friday friend in the know told me about these two sites that track the best deals. So if you’re a shopper who’s proactive and likes to see what’s being offered rather than wait until the deals are blogged about, check out these two sites: and They’re comprehensive and track the best deals. Maybe you already know about these sites…….but maybe not.

These two websites also track deals offered by e-commerce retailers during Cyber Monday, the Monday after Thanksgiving. Hope you find some excellent deals and if you know other sites that are great at tracking these deals, share them so other readers can benefit as well. Thanks!