Tag Archives: Citi Bank

Random News: The New American (Airlines Credit Card from Citi) has Arrived, $60 Off Travelocity Hotels, $20 Off $25 Tabbed Out Bill, and 2 New AMEX Offers

AA American Logo

Random News: The New American (Airlines Credit Card from Citi) has Arrived, $60 Off Travelocity Hotels, $20 Off $25 Tabbed Out Bill, and 2 New AMEX Offers

Happy Friday morning everyone, here are a few random news stories for you.  A few days ago, Adam (Fly2Travel) shared a post about the new Citi American Airlines Credit Card redesign.  I love using my Citi American Airlines Executive Credit Card for lounge access and on-board shopping (25% rebate on food and drink purchases).  I called Citi and asked if they could send me a replacement card with the new design.  The representative was not sure what I was talking about (how could this be, I called the Citi AA Exec phone number?).  He didn’t really have a good answer, but said that if Citi redesigned the card, that all newly issued or newly replaced credit cards would have the new design.  He felt confident that I would get the new card design if I asked for a replacement card.  He thanked me for my loyalty to Citi and said he would FedEx the new credit card overnight.  I received the new credit card yesterday and it has no embossed letters or numbers and the credit card information is on the back of the credit card (the credit card number, expiration date, and CVV stayed the same).  I like that they added my AA number to the back of the card (previously missing from the old executive card), but I just noticed that the Admirals Club logo is missing on the new card (present on the old executive card to distinguish between primary card holders and authorized users, hmmm).

New AA Exec Front New AA Exec Back

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Set up Apple Pay in Passbook on your iPhone 6/Plus

Apple Passbook App

Set up Apple Pay in Passbook on your iPhone 6/Plus

(Hat tip to Mac World for the info)

As of today (October 20, 2014), you can add these credit and debit cards to your Passbook (other banks will be supported over the coming weeks/months, including gift cards):

  • American Express
  • Bank of America
  • Capital One
  • Chase
  • Citi
  • MasterCard
  • Visa
  • Wells Fargo

If you have an iPhone 6/Plus that is on 8.1 or newer, you can set up Apple Pay.  Click the Passbook icon on your iPhone and then scroll to the very top and click the ‘+’ button to add a credit or debit card to your Passbook.

Add Credit Debit Card to Passbook App

To read the full article, please click here.

Chase, Wells Fargo, and other Banks Create Voiceprints from Calls to Prevent Fraud

Which Credit Card

Chase, Wells Fargo, and other Banks Create Voiceprints from Calls to Prevent Fraud

Starting soon, you may hear the following message when you call your credit card company: “This call may be monitored, recorded and processed for quality assurance and fraud prevention purposes.”  The statement is slightly different than the usual, “This call will be monitored or recorded…”  According to a CNBC article published a few hours ago (link), credit card companies (especially Chase and Wells Fargo) are investing in “voice biometric technology to screen calls for signs of fraud.”

The banks can compare the voice on the phone to previously recorded and analyzed phone calls to determine if it is actually you on the phone, rather than an identity thief impersonating you.  The system is even able to recognize voices and determine if they are blacklisted for previous attempts at fraud.   Continue reading

Random News: Many AMEX Offers (Uber), Citi Late Fees and AA Food Discounts, Discover It 5% Cash Back Targeted Promo, $30 Tabbed Out Promo, $50 Alaska Airlines Discount Promo, and Office Depot 33% Off Coupon

AMEX Offers

Random News: Many AMEX Offers (Uber), Citi Late Fees and AA Food Discounts, Discover It 5% Cash Back Targeted Promo, $30 Tabbed Out Promo, $50 Alaska Airlines Discount Promo, and Office Depot 33% Off Coupon

Good morning everyone, here are some random news articles worth mentioning…

The blogosphere is going crazy about the Uber AMEX Offer (Spend $10+ get $10 AMEX statement credit).  Read Frequent Miler’s post to learn how to maximize this promo using multiple AMEX credit/charge cards and buying Uber egift cards.  Make sure to read the comments as well, since the Uber gift cards can only be bought from some Uber accounts.

Uber AMEX Offer

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*Some* Chase Credit Cards Charging Cash Advance Fees for Online Serve Reloads

Update: 7AM PST – Chase Sapphire Preferred and Chase Freedom reloads are showing up as cash advances online.
AMEX Serve Logo

*Some* Chase Credit Cards Charging Cash Advance Fees for Online Serve Reloads

There have been reports on FlyerTalk (link) and some Tweets that Serve is now charging cash advance fees for *some* online Serve reloads.  Most of the cash advance reports state that Chase is charging cash advance fees for online reloads.

RRGG on the FlyerTalk thread (link) has some good info:

It seems like you should include a little more information if you’re going to start a new thread. You didn’t mention the type of card for example. NOT EVERYONE is getting a cash advance from Chase, as mentioned in the Serve thread.

There are reports of no cash advance today on:
UA Explorer Visa
UA Explorer MC
Sapphire Preferred
Southwest Visa
Also Barclay, Citi cards (Prestige), Fidelity AMEX

There are reports of a cash advance today on:
UA Club
UA Explorer
Ink Bold Visa
Sapphire Preferred
Also a Capital One card

As you can see it’s not even consistent.

Finally, in the past sometimes Chase has posted these as cash advance at first. After a few days they get changed to a regular charge. If anyone actually got a cash advance fee, you might want to share that.

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