Tag Archives: Gift Cards

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Why Are My Walmart Orders Instantly Cancelled? Use Walmart’s Online Chat to Fix

Good morning everyone, I hope your week is going well.  A few weeks ago, American Express released an AMEX Offer for Walmart.com where you can receive a $10 statement credit after spending $50 or more.  Walmart.com sells several gift cards and egift cards, so I wanted to buy a $50 Uber egift card.  Shortly after placing my order, I received a confirmation email from Walmart.  All looked good until…

a close-up of a website

…exactly 1 minute later, I received an email from Walmart that my order was canceled.  I didn’t even have time to put my American Express credit card back into my wallet before my order was instantly cancelled.  So frustrating!

a screenshot of a customer care service

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How I Got “Dropped” by Drop… and then Reinstated

After many of us saw our Drop accounts go into the “technical error abyss” for a week (I mean…forever…), I sent drop a Support Ticket inquiring as to what was going on with my account, and why I couldn’t redeem for awards. I also wanted to know what happened to my reward redemptions that never arrived (awards had previously been coming in within a few minutes on all my redemptions).

I received multiple replies ranging from their Reward Processor was having technical difficulties in the US, to they were having issues on their end and they were working on it. I tried reaching out on Twitter and Facebook Messenger as well, and both told me to email their support.

After reading various other responses on various blogs that Drop had changed their Terms and Conditions (T&C) to disallow people from earning points on repeated purchases, I decided to send them an email demanding my points be reinstated. After all, I had done all my purchasing before they had changed their T&C. Continue reading

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My Alaska Airlines Bump: There’s a First Time for Everything

There’s a first time for everything, and recently on an Alaska Airlines flight, I volunteered to be bumped. It’s not that I’ve never heard the call for volunteers before. We all have. But something about this time made me ask myself if now was the time and this was the opportunity to do it. After all, can a bona fide travel blogger NOT have a bump experience to talk about? Given the crazy day I ended up having, I’ll never forget my first time!

I was originally on a morning Alaska Airlines nonstop flight from San Diego to Boston. I’ve taken this flight before but always in the winter months. Apparently, since it’s the only nonstop of the day to Boston, it can get crowded. I heard the call for volunteers before we started boarding the flight.

a map of the united states

Great Circle Mapper: San Diego (SAN) to Boston (BOS)

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Which Trip Should I Use with the Alaska Airlines Companion Fare?

The yearly Alaska Airlines Companion Fare that comes with the Bank of America Alaska Airlines Visa Signature Credit Card is awesome. However, the question becomes, WHICH trip is the best trip to use it on? I’ve had the credit card and gotten the companion fare deal for many years now. But this year was the first year that I had three potential uses for it. A good problem to have. Maybe you’ve had this good problem as well :)

It did, however, require a thorough look at comparing prices and hotels. If I’m paying cash for a hotel stay, I always use Pruvo to monitor for price drops, so that figures into my choice too. I also looked at what other miles/points I had available for these routes to finally make my choice. It was a lesson in perseverance! Here’s what I did. I was originating from San Diego and my trips were to Hawaii, New York City, and Boston. My dates for Hawaii and Boston were somewhat flexible, but my New York City dates were not.

a map of the united states

Great Circle Mapper: http://www.gcmap.com/mapui?P=hnl-san,san-bos,san-jfk

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Reminder: OC Travel Hackers Meetup Saturday, July 1 @ 12pm at Tustin District In-N-Out

Good afternoon everyone, TGI Friday.  This is a friendly reminder that I am organizing a travel hackers meetup on Saturday afternoon.  If you are free this Saturday, I would love to meet you and talk about frequent flyer miles, hotel points, credit card rewards and MS.

  • Where: In-N-Out Burger, 2895 Park Ave, Tustin, CA 92782 (Google Maps)
  • When: Saturday, July 1 @ 12-2PM

In-N-Out Tustin District Map

There is no need to RSVP to the meetup, just show up at 12pm and be ready to talk travel.  I hope to see some of you there!  Have a great weekend everyone!