Good afternoon everyone, I hope your week is going well. Last night, my wife and I were watching Lifetime’s Married at First Sight. On that episode, the contestant wrote letters to their younger selves, so I thought it would be fun to write a letter to my younger travel hacker self. Here goes…
Dear Grant,
Your love of travel will continue to grow and you will experience many amazing sights, sounds, food, and memories along the way. Enjoy the little things in life (like an upgrade or two), but remember to be flexible with your travel plans when things don’t go your way.
Find people who love travel and travel hacking as much as you do, but don’t be discouraged if your close family and friends are not as excited about these things as you are.
Take the trips you want to take when you want to go, even if they are not the most flashy or exciting. Don’t chase other’s dream trips and don’t compare yourself or your trips to others.
Set low expectations for your trips so that you will be happily surprised with the journey.
Last but not least, don’t fall in love with a single credit card or reward program, they can break your heart at a moment’s notice. Remember, loyalty is not always a two way street.
Sincerely, yourself, from the future