Category Archives: Trip Reports

a colorful streamers and confetti

Travel with Grant Turns 10 Years Old + 10 x $10 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway

Good afternoon everyone, I hope your week is going well.  Travel with Grant just turned 10 years old!  Yup, I started this blog on May 1, 2013 and I can’t believe I’ve had a travel blog for 10 years (I really can’t believe I have done anything for 10 years, let alone blogging). To celebrate this special occasion, I wanted to give away 10 x $10 Amazon Gift Cards to my readers.

To enter the giveaway…

Leave a comment on this post by 11:59pm PT on May 3 telling me about your favorite article / topic covered on Travel with Grant.  I will select 10 winners by Friday, May 5 and email them a $10 Amazon Gift Card.

Good luck to everyone who enters the giveaway and here’s to 10 more years!

P.S. In case you were wondering, here are the 9 other blogiversary posts I wrote throughout the years:

a logo for a university

Last Call: See My Presentation at FTU Virtual Seminar on Saturday, April 29 ($25) or Free with Online Annual Membership

Good afternoon everyone, happy Friday!  If you are not busy tomorrow, Saturday, April 29, I highly recommend attending the FTU Virtual Seminar (tickets available for $25) or free if you have the FTU Online Annual Membership.  The seminar starts on Saturday, April 29, at 8am PT / 11am ET.  I have attended all of the FTU Virtual Seminars over the last 2+ years and they are always well done, educational, and entertaining – and I am sure this seminar will be no exception!  Here is the schedule for the event.  If you need one more reason to attend, I will be presenting on “Credit Cards 201: Before, During, and After Application Tips” where I will share my more advanced credit card application tips.

a man smiling for a picture

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a logo for a university

See My Presentation at FTU Virtual Seminar on Saturday, April 29 ($25) or Free with Online Annual Membership

Good afternoon everyone, I hope your weekend is going well.  If you are not busy this Saturday, April 29, I highly recommend attending the FTU Virtual Seminar (tickets available for $25) or free if you have the FTU Online Annual Membership.  The seminar starts on Saturday, April 29, at 8am PT / 11am ET.  I have attended all of the FTU Virtual Seminars over the last 2+ years and they are always well done, educational, and entertaining – and I am sure this seminar will be no exception!  Here is the schedule for the event.  If you need one more reason to attend, I will be presenting on “Credit Cards 201: Before, During, and After Application Tips” where I will share my more advanced credit card application tips.

a man smiling for a picture

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a logo for a university

Last Call for FTU Virtual Seminar on Saturday, March 11 ($25) or Free with Online Annual Membership

Good afternoon everyone, happy Friday!  If you are not busy tomorrow (Saturday, March 11), I highly recommend attending the FTU Virtual Seminar (tickets available for $25) or free if you have the FTU Online Annual Membership.  The seminar starts on Saturday, March 11, at 8am PT / 11am ET.  I have attended all of the FTU Virtual Seminars over the last 2+ years and they are always well done, educational, and entertaining – and I am sure this seminar will be no exception!  Here is the schedule for the event.

If you register for the seminar, but are unable to watch the live stream, you can access the recording of the seminar and watch later on.  This is also a great way to re-watch your favorite presentations and catch any details that you originally missed.

a screenshot of a website

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a logo for a university

Register for FTU Virtual Seminar on Saturday, March 11 ($25) or Free with Online Annual Membership

Good afternoon everyone, I hope your week is going well.  If you are not busy this Saturday, March 11, I highly recommend attending the FTU Virtual Seminar (tickets available for $25) or free if you have the FTU Online Annual Membership.  The seminar starts on Saturday, March 11, at 8am PT / 11am ET.  I have attended all of the FTU Virtual Seminars over the last 2+ years and they are always well done, educational, and entertaining – and I am sure this seminar will be no exception!  Here is the schedule for the event.

If you register for the seminar, but are unable to watch the live stream, you can access the recording of the seminar and watch later on.  This is also a great way to re-watch your favorite presentations and catch any details that you originally missed.

a screenshot of a website

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