Tag Archives: US Bank FlexPoints

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Targeted US Bank Credit Card Offers: 2,000 Bonus FlexPoints & 5,000 Bonus Club Carlson Points

Update: I just received an email offer on March 1 for my US Bank Club Carlson Personal Visa Signature Credit Card.  Scroll to the bottom to see the details of that offer.

Good morning everyone, I just received 2 targeted credit card offers from US Bank.  The first is on my US Bank FlexPerks Visa Signature Credit Card and offers 2,000 bonus FlexPoints after spending $500 between March 1 and April 30.  You can log into your FlexPerks PromoSite portal and see if you have the same (or better) offer.  If you do not see the offer after logging in, you can try clicking this link to go directly to the offer, but YMMV.  This offer is really generous from US Bank and is a no brainer in my book since 2,000 FlexPoints is worth ~$40 to me.

US Bank FlexPerks Visa Signature Credit Card Targeted Offer March 2017

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New Targeted US Bank FlexPerks AMEX Offer: Spend $1,750, Earn 1,500 Bonus FlexPoints

Good morning everyone, happy Wednesday.  I apologize for writing about another targeted spending offer from US Bank.  US Bank loves to send me targeted spending offers and I hope I am not the only one who receives these offers.  For the record, I have 6 US Bank credit cards and I have now received spending offers on 4 of them (all for purchases made in November and December).  As a refresher, here are my 3 most recent posts regarding targeted spending offers from US Bank:

Today’s targeted spending offer is on my US Bank FlexPerks AMEX Credit Card.  After I spend $1,750 on the credit card (between November 1 and December 31), I will receive 1,500 bonus US Bank FlexPoints.  This offer isn’t great, but it isn’t terrible either.  Unfortunately, I do not think earning an extra 1,500 FlexPoints is worth spending $1,750 on the credit card.


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Targeted US Bank FlexPerks Bonus Offer by Mail; Transfer FlexPoints using Credit Card Number

Good morning everyone.  A few days ago, I wrote Targeted US Bank FlexPerks Offer: Spend $500, Earn 2,000 Bonus FlexPoints.  In that post, I showed the targeted offer I received by looking at my US Bank FlexPerks bonus portal online.  Yesterday, I received the same offer by mail (spend $500 between November 1 and December 31 to receive 2,000 bonus FlexPoints).  I have the Visa Signature and American Express version of the US Bank FlexPerks Travel Rewards Credit Card, but both offers are for my Visa Signature card.  I haven’t received any offers for my American Express card, but there is still time to receive an offer by mail or email before the promotion starts on November 1.  If you have more than 1 US Bank FlexPerks Travel Rewards Credit Card, have you received an offer for both cards?  Any data points would be great.  Thank you.

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Targeted US Bank FlexPerks Offer: Spend $500, Earn 2,000 Bonus FlexPoints

Good morning everyone, I hope your weekend is off to a great start.  I was boring last night and did a mini American Horror Story TV marathon (don’t watch that show if you get scared easily!).  This morning, I was checking my credit card accounts and stumbled onto this promotion for my US Bank FlexPerks Travel Rewards Visa Signature Credit Card.  This offer might be targeted, but to see if are eligible for the promotion, click here (you will need to sign in or join the FlexPerks Promo page).  Once you register for the promotion, you will earn 2,000 bonus FlexPoints (worth up to $40 in travel) when you spend $500 or more between November 1 and December 31.  This is a pretty good and simple offer, so I will definitely participate.  Only purchases made between November 1 and December 31 will count toward this promotion, so you will need to wait a few days.

If you have a different US Bank FlexPerks credit card, I do not believe you are eligible for this promotion, but there might be a similar promotion available to you.  If you see a different promotion, please let me know in the comments section.  Thank you.


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US Bank FlexPerks Go Mobile App Review: Geolocation, Travel Alerts & Virtual Wallet Features

Good morning everyone.  Yesterday afternoon, I received a few emails from US Bank regarding a new feature called Geolocation Service.  According to the email, “Geolocation Service verifies your mobile phone is in close proximity to your credit card, reducing the risk of card declines while traveling.”  Here is the email I received from US Bank:

us-bank-flexperks-visa-geolocation-service Continue reading