Tag Archives: Southwest Airlines

a blue and red airplane with black text

Southwest Airlines Changes Their Refund Policy and We Actually Benefit!

I’m not the best when it comes to statistics, but I’d be willing to bet that when airlines make policy changes the odds are NOT in our favor those changes are to our advantage. But sometimes I’m happy to be proven wrong and have those odds go against me. And that’s just what happened not too long ago when Southwest updated one of their ticket change policies. Continue reading

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Southwest Expands to Hawaii: Latest News

Come on, Southwest, get us to Hawaii already! October came and went and still no word from Southwest Airlines on its expansion to Hawaii. Disappointing, to say the least.

Friends in Hawaii report that they hear what’s blocking the start date are issues with the inter-island flights once SWA gets to Hawaii. None of my friends work for SWA so this is just what they hear and nothing official. But last time I wrote about Southwest’s expansion to Hawaii it addressed just this topic of inter-island flights. Continue reading

a hammock on a beach

Delta Joins The Holiday Party: Portal Shopping, Easy Miles!

Delta is late to the party in offering us their holiday shopping bonus miles deal. But better late than never! If you like to shop and like to earn miles and points when you shop, then this is the sweet spot time of year! With the holidays upon us, take advantage of this shopping sweet spot and use airline shopping portals to earn miles and points for shopping you’ll do anyway. Here’s Delta’s bonus promotion, as well as reminders from the other airlines offering holiday bonus miles.  Continue reading

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November Buy Miles/Points Promos: United Airlines Mystery Offer (70% Bonus), Air France / KLM (75% Bonus), Southwest & Spirit (30% Discounts)

Good afternoon everyone.  I was working on my Buy Miles & Points Page and found a few new offers.  Always check the math to make sure that buying miles & points makes sense for you.  Do not buy miles & points speculatively unless you have a use in mind.  With that said, here are the 4 promos that are ending in November. First up, United Airlines is running a mystery offer with up to 70% bonus miles, depending on the number of United Airlines miles you purchase.  Offer ends on November 20.

a person holding a gift box

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a blue and red airplane with black text

Best Southwest Airlines Boarding & Safety Announcement One-Liners (Share Your Favorites)

Good afternoon everyone.  I don’t know about you, but I just love flying Southwest Airlines.  And one of the many reasons why I enjoy flying Southwest Airlines is the happy attitude of the flight attendants, pilots, and crew.  Normally, after boarding a Southwest Airlines flight, I start watching free TV or listen to my music, but every now and then, I listen to the flight attendant announcements.  Here are 3 examples of funny Southwest Airlines one-liners that come to mind.

1. After all the passengers are seated and the plane begins to push back from the gate, the flight attendant comes on the speaker and says:

Attention passengers, did someone lose a wallet?  Now that I have your attention, let’s go through the safety announcements for this flight.

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