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4 Buy Miles / Points Promos Ending Soon: United (100%), Hilton (100%), Air Canada (100%) & JetBlue (70%)

Good afternoon everyone, happy Friday!  I was working on my Buy Miles & Points Page and found 4 offers that end this month.  Always check the math to make sure that buying miles & points makes sense for you.  Do not buy miles & points speculatively unless you have a use in mind.  With that said, here are 4 offers that end soon.

Up first, United Airlines is offering up to a 100% bonus, depending on the number of United Airlines MileagePlus Miles you purchase.  This offer expires on November 20.

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How Fast do the $50 Hilton Credits Post on the American Express Hilton Honors Surpass Credit Card?

Good morning everyone, I hope your week is going well.  A few weeks ago, I wrote about My 6 Credit Card App-O-Rama: Results & Reconsideration Calls.  In that post, I shared that I was approved for the American Express Hilton Honors Surpass Credit Card (referral link) that currently offers a 170,000 Hilton Honors Points sign up bonus after spending $3,000 in 6 months and a $200 Hilton Credit ($50 credit per quarter).  If you have had the Surpass card before, here is the No Lifetime Language offer for the Hilton Surpass (this is the link I used since I had the Surpass a few years ago).  In this post, I wanted to discuss the $200 Hilton Credit and share my experience with the credit.

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Timeline of Barclays AAdvantage Aviator Red Credit Card 75,000 American Airlines Miles Sign Up Bonus

Good morning everyone, I hope your week is going well.  A few weeks ago, I wrote about My 6 Credit Card App-O-Rama: Results & Reconsideration Calls.  In that post, I talked about my instant approval for the Barclays AAdvantage Aviator Red Credit Card that currently has a 75,000 American Airlines Miles sign up bonus after adding an authorized user and making a single purchase on your card and the authorized user card.  I love these type of sign up bonuses since it doesn’t get much easier than that!  But then I wondered, how long would it take for the sign up bonus to post to my America Airlines AAdvantage account?  In this post, I will lay out the timeline of events so you know what to expect when you are waiting for your 75K AA Miles to post.

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US Bank Cash Plus Credit Card Moving to Rewards Center (Select Categories & Redeem Rewards)

Good afternoon everyone, I hope you had a good weekend.  Effective November 5, 2023, US Bank Cash+ Credit Card moved to the US Bank Rewards Center.  The Rewards Center is where you can select your 5% and 2% quarterly bonus categories and redeem your cash back rewards.  The old Cash+ enrollment website was a little clunky and dated, but the Rewards Center looks much cleaner.  In this post, I will show you what the Rewards Center looks like and my thoughts.

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My 6 Credit Card App-O-Rama: Results & Reconsideration Calls

Good afternoon everyone, happy Friday!  A few weeks ago, I applied for 6 new credit cards in my most recent App-O-Rama (which doesn’t work as well as it used to work, back in the good ol’ days), but I wanted to share my results and reconsideration calls.  Warning: I don’t recommend applying for multiple cards in the same day (“do as I say, not as I do”).  With that said, I started with the American Express Blue Business Plus Credit Card that has a 75,000 American Express Membership Rewards Points signup bonus after spending $15,000 in 12 months.  Check out this Doctor of Credit post for more info.

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