Tag Archives: Barclays Bank

a woman with blonde hair and a green shirt

My March App-O-Rama Credit Card Sign Up Bonuses Post

Good morning everyone, I hope you are all having a great week.  By the time you read this post, I will be ATVing around the island of St. Kitts (I know, tough life).  Anyway, I wanted to talk about one of my favorite topics – credit card sign up bonuses.  In March, I discussed Which 10 Credit Cards am I Considering for my March App-O-Rama and then in early April, I wrote about my March App-O-Rama Results.  In this post, I will share with you my plans (if any) for redeeming my miles and points.  If you have any better suggestions than the ones I share in this post, please let me know in the comments.  Thank you!

To get started, I was approved for the Bank of America Alaska Airlines Visa Signature Credit Card and the Bank of America Alaska Airlines Business Credit Card.  Both credit cards offered 30,000 Alaska Airlines miles after spending $1,000 in 3 months along with an Alaska Airlines Companion Ticket (which can now be used on Virgin America).  I have a few other Alaska Airlines Companion Tickets in my Alaska Airlines account, so I will probably not use them all.  60,000 Alaska Airlines miles is worth ~$900 to me (valuing Alaska Airlines miles at 1.5 CPP).  I don’t have an exact use in mind, but I like flying on Virgin America first class when I fly from SFO to JFK.

Alaska Airlines Personal Business 30,000 Mile Bonuses Posted

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Successful Credit Card Reconsideration Calls: Barclays Arrival Plus & US Bank FlexPerks Gold American Express

Good morning everyone, hoppy happy Easter!  As part of my March App-O-Rama, I was approved for 8 new credit cards.  In this post, I will talk about my successful reconsideration calls for the Barclays Arrival Plus Credit Card and the US Bank FlexPerks Gold American Express Credit Card.  If you are curious, I shared the other results of my credit card App-O-Rama here.  Long story short, I applied for both credit cards toward the end of my App-O-Rama and received pending responses for both credit cards.  At that point, I patiently waited for approval emails or denial letters.

Luckily, I received a call from Barclays a few days later regarding my recent application of the Barclays Arrival Plus Credit Card.  The credit analyst told me that Barclays had already extended enough credit to me and she noted that I didn’t use my 2 other Barclays credit cards much (Barclays Lufthansa Credit Card and Barclays JetBlue Plus Credit Card).  She asked if I would be willing to move credit from one of those credit cards to approve the Barclays Arrival Plus Credit Card.  I said yes, that would be fine.  I ended up moving $10,000 from my Barclays JetBlue Plus Credit Card (subsequently lowering that credit line down to $9,500) and having a $10,000 credit line on my Barclays Arrival Plus Credit Card.  I thanked the rep for her help and asked if it were possible to get the credit card expedited to me so I could use the new credit card right away but I was told that there is a $15 cost to expedite the credit card.  I politely declined and agreed to the free USPS First Class Mail (snail mail) option.

Barclays Credit Cards Lufthansa JetBlue Arrival Plus

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a woman with blonde hair and a green shirt

What’s on my Mind: Tucson, Orange County, San Diego and my March App-O-Rama Results

Good morning everyone, happy Friday Thursday!  I’ve had a pretty busy week this week: Monday I was watching NCAA March Madness Final (bummer the Zags lost); Tuesday I went to see Bassem Youssef (the Egyptian Jon Stewart) speak at UC Berkeley; Wednesday I got $202 loge/mezzanine tickets to see Hamilton in SF; and tonight I am flying to Tucson for a wedding this weekend.  Even though I haven’t had much time to write this week, I have a few blog posts brewing in my mind.  Before I get to what’s on my mind, I wanted to share some travel plans for the rest of April.

  • Tucson, AZ (Friday-Sunday April  7-9) for a wedding.  Anyone have any recommendations for restaurants, bars, hikes, or other activities that are close to Tucson?
  • Orange County, CA (Friday-Sunday April 14-16) for Easter weekend.  I will do an OC miles and points meetup on Saturday afternoon, stay tuned for more details.
  • San Diego, CA (Saturday-Sunday April 29-30) for fun.  I am seeing my friend/writer Shelli and organizing a SD miles and points meetup on Saturday or Sunday, stay tuned for more details.

A few weeks ago, I wrote Which 10 Credit Cards am I Considering for my March App-O-Rama?  In that post, I shared the credit cards I was considering and you guys gave me some good feedback.  I don’t have all the credit cards in the mail, but I have a good idea of which credit cards were approved and which ones were denied. Continue reading

a woman with blonde hair and a green shirt

Targeted Q2 Credit Card Offers Part 2: 10,000 JetBlue TrueBlue Points & US Bank Club Carlson $25 Statement Credit

Good evening everyone.  After going 0 for 3 with good targeted credit card offers this morning (Targeted Q2 Credit Card Offers: 4,000 Hyatt Points, 3,000 IHG Reward Points & 2,500 Lufthansa Miles), I have 2 fairly decent offers to share.  Up first, I have the Barclay JetBlue Credit Card with 10,000 bonus TrueBlue Points after spending $750 in April, May, and June.  10,000 TrueBlue Points is worth ~$150 to me, so that represents a return of 6.67% ($150 / $2,250).  This is a pretty good offer, so I will probably go for this offer.

Targeted Barclay JetBlue Credit Card Q2 Offer

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a woman with blonde hair and a green shirt

Targeted Q2 Credit Card Offers: 4,000 Hyatt Points, 3,000 IHG Reward Points & 2,500 Lufthansa Miles

Good morning everyone.  As we wrap up Q1, the targeted credit card offers for Q2 are just now arriving.  Here are 3 offers that I have received in the last 2 days and I will share my logic with you on whether or not they are worth pursuing.  Up first, I have the Chase Hyatt Credit Card with 4,000 bonus points after spending $4,000 between April 1 and June 30.  4,000 Hyatt Points is worth $60-$80 to me, but I am not excited to spend $4,000 to get up to $80 in return (2% bonus).  I could get 4,000 Hyatt Points by generating 4,000 Chase Ultimate Reward Points on my Chase Ink Plus.  That would only require $800 of 5x spending and I can do that in 1 day with gift card purchases from PayPal Digital Gifts on eBay.  I am going to pass on this offer.

Targeted Chase Hyatt Credit Card Offer Q2

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