Tag Archives: Chase Ultimate Rewards Points

a woman holding her hands up with a man in front of him

My Credit Card Retention Offer Presentation from OC TravelCon

Good morning everyone, I had a great time at the OC TravelCon travel conference yesterday.  It was a pleasure to meet some of you and to share my credit card retention offer presentation.  I was very nervous and forgot some of my opening jokes:

  • Hi, I’m Grant, long time blogger, first time presenter – and –
  • Some of you might recognize me from such action shots as:

Grant Jumping Around

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a blue and red airplane with black text

Are Southwest Airlines Anytime Fares a Better Deal than Wanna Get Away Fares?

Good afternoon everyone, I am speaking at the OC TravelCon travel conference this weekend (more info) and I needed to purchase a flight to Orange County (SNA).  I was looking at the 7:05pm Southwest Airlines flight on Wednesday evening from SFO.  The cheapest option (Wanna Get Away fare) was $212, while the Anytime fare was $223, and the Business Select fare was $251.  Obviously the Wanna Get Away fare is the best deal, right?

SWA Anytime Wanna Get Award SFO-SNA Fare

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Guest Post: My Failed 1-800-Flowers Companion Pass Experience

Good afternoon everyone, I have another guest post from my buddy Nigel.  You might remember him from such great blog posts as Guest Post: 5 Card App-O-Rama (Diners Club, Club Carlson, US Airways, Southwest Airlines Plus, and Citizens Bank).  Without further ado, take it away Nigel!

Hello TWG readers, I wanted to share my experience with the recent 1-800-Flowers promotion to help qualify for the Southwest Airlines Companion Pass.  The inspiration and instructions for this endeavor came from Frequent Miler’s post: How to Feed the Hungry and Fly for Free.

In brief, through February 14th, 1-800-Flowers was running a promotion where every qualifying order of at least $29.99 with promo code RR36 or RR43 would earn 1,750 Southwest Airlines Rapid Reward Points.  In November, there was a similar promotion and many people reported that the points posted as Companion Pass qualifying points.  Rather than further depleting my Chase Ultimate Rewards Points or Hyatt Gold Passport account balances, I decided to go for it.

1-800-Flowers Promo SWA RR Points

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5 New AMEX Offers (Mostly Restaurants) and a New Hyatt Place Tijuana (Category 1)

Good morning everyone, I have 5 decent AMEX Offers available.  Since I am in California, most of these offers are targeted to residents on the West Coast.  The offers available below are Five Crowns, Bayside Restaurant, Bistango Restaurant, Janie and Jack, and Stay LA Hotel Offer.

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a blue credit card with silver text

Requesting New Chase EMV Cards: Freedom, United MileagePlus, and Southwest Airlines Plus & Premier

(Hat Tip to Doctor of Credit’s post)

Good evening everyone, there is no doubt in my mind that I love Chase and Chase loves me.  I have quite a few credit cards (both personal and business) with Chase.  I always want the latest card design (remember the new Citi American Airlines Executive Credit Card? or the new Chase Ink Bold/Plus Business Cards?) and am a big fan of EMV (aka Chip and Signature) credit cards.  After reading Will’s recent post about the Chase United Airlines MileagePlus Credit Card adding EMV chips to their card, I decided to call Chase.

Chase United Airlines MileagePlus Credit Card

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