Tag Archives: Citi Bank

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Citi’s No Kid Hungry Campaign, Table Initiative, and Garden Initiative

Good afternoon everyone, I hope your weekend is going well.  I was checking my Citi online account when I stumbled onto a new program that Citi is participating in.  It is called the No Kid Hungry Campaign and it is a great program to combat childhood hunger.  The program is simple: enroll your Citi credit card(s), then use that Citi credit card at any restaurant, and Citi will donate $2 per transaction to the campaign, up to $500,000.  The program will run from now through July 31.  You will still earn your usual miles, points, or cash back, but you will also be helping children in need.  To enroll your Citi credit card, click here.

Citi No Kid Hungry Home Page

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a black and blue card with a circular design

Random News: Citi Prestige & Premier, US Bank, British Airways, IHG, and Southwest Airlines

Good morning everyone, it’s been a while since I did a random news post, so I have accumulated quite a bit of random news.  So much news, that I will have to do a random news afternoon special.  Check back at noon for that.  In the meantime, here is the morning edition of the random news.  My first Citi Prestige statement closed and I received the full $250 airline travel credit.

Citi Prestige $250 Airline Credit Used

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a red and silver card with circles

Redbird Credit Card Reloads Dead: “Able to Load $0.00 with this Payment Method”

Good morning everyone, I just got back from Target in San Francisco and I have some bad news to share.  I brought my Chase Freedom (Visa), Citi Double Cash (MC), Bank of America Virgin Atlantic (MC), and AMEX Old Blue Cash to Target to see if any of those credit cards could load my Redbird Card.

Target San Francisco

During the loading process, I spoke with a cashier and the store manager.  Neither of them mentioned any memo or said anything out of the ordinary.  Both had loaded Redbird Cards before and knew the process.  This is how the transaction went:

  • Please load $987.00 to my Target Redcard
  • They swiped my Redbird Card and entered the amount on the cash register
  • I swipe my credit card on the POS credit card terminal and the screen shows $987.00 and the signature box
  • Before I even sign the screen, the cash register prints out a receipt and shows an error message on the cash register’s screen, “Able to Load $0.00 with this Payment Method”
  • We repeat the process a few times with different credit cards and at different registers
  • Every time the result is the same, “Able to Load $0.00 with this Payment Method”

Some ideas and thoughts:

  • AMEX for Target (AFT) credit card loads are probably dead as well, but I didn’t have my AFT card with me to try
  • Gift cards and debit cards might work, but I didn’t have either with me to try
  • Cash reloads probably still work, but I didn’t have any cash to try

Where do we stand now?:

  • Do gift cards with PINs (Visa and MasterCard) still work?
  • Which gift cards still work (Vanilla Visa, Bancorp, Metabank, etc.)?
  • How long will gift card reloads work before Target starts blocking those (like Walmart did)?
  • Will there be any online loading options similar to AMEX Serve?

If you have any data points, specifically related to gift cards, please let me know below.  Have a good day everyone.

P.S. NoonRadar has a great summary of what is currently working for Redbird reloads here.

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Travel Events: FTU Advanced Dallas, Chicago Seminars, and an OC Meetup

Good morning everyone, just a quick update on my travel plans over the next few months.  Even though the FTU Advanced Dallas just ended last weekend, I will return to Dallas for the next FTU Advanced Dallas event on September 25-27.  Tickets are $249 and the Hyatt Regency has a $99/night group rate.  The hotel is within walking distance of DFW Airport.  If you are skeptical of attending by yourself, read this post: Why you Should go to Travel Conferences by Yourself #Rant.


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a black and blue card with a circular design

Hybrid Citi Prestige Credit Card Sign Up Bonus and Welcome Package

Good evening everyone, I have some interesting pieces of information to share about the Citi Prestige Credit Card.  A few weeks ago, I wrote Citi Prestige: 50,000 ThankYou Points Online or 60,000 TYP In-Branch Offer?  where I compared the current online offer (50,000 Citi ThankYou Points after spending $3,000 in 3 months, with a $450 annual fee) with the current in-branch offer (30,000 Citi ThankYou Points after spending $3,000 in 3 months, another 30,000 Citi ThankYou Points after spending another $12,000/12 months, with a $350 annual fee).  A week later, I wrote My Citi Prestige In-Branch Application Experience with PDF Paperwork and Brochure where I shared information on the in-branch application process and over-the-phone reconsideration call.

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