Tag Archives: Southwest Airlines

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Have You Read My Top Blog Posts from 2018?

Good morning everyone, happy New Year’s Eve!  What a crazy year it has been.  Based on Google Analytics numbers, here are the top 10 blog posts written in 2018 and the top 10 blog posts of the year (written before 2018).  If you have a favorite post of the year that is not listed, please let me know in the comments.  Without further ado, here is the first top 10 list:

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1: PSA: Do NOT Use Zelle or Venmo to Pay People on Craigslist, eBay or Strangers Online

I’m surprised my Zelle / Venmo PSA post was so popular, but I’m glad that the word got out. It’s important to know what kind of scams exist and how to avoid them. Learn from these mistakes to keep your money safe.

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Keep, Cancel or Convert? Chase Southwest Airlines Plus Credit Card ($69 Annual Fee)

Good morning everyone.  As part of my “Keep, Cancel or Convert?” series, I like to evaluate and reevaluate credit cards to make sure they still deserve a spot in my wallet.  This post is a little different because this post is about my girlfriend’s Chase Southwest Airlines Plus Credit Card.  She got this credit card last November when Chase & Southwest Airlines were running a promo for California residents: Sign up for the Chase Southwest Airlines Plus Credit Card, make 1 purchase and get a Southwest Airlines Companion Pass.  It was a no brainer.  The 50,000 Southwest Airlines Rapid Rewards Points sign up bonus was just gravy.  We got great use out of the Southwest Airlines Companion Pass this year, but sadly, the $69 annual fee just posted and it’s time to decide if she should keep, cancel, or convert this credit card.

a screenshot of a credit card

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Chase Employees Game The System, Too!

I had an interesting conversation with a Chase bank employee that threw me for a loop. I have a Chase bank branch that I’ve been using since the old days when it was a Washington Mutual. I know many of the employees there, and from time to time we chat about all things Chase. Last year Southwest Airlines had a special promotion, if you lived in California, giving its companion pass as a bonus when you got the Chase Southwest credit card. Quite a deal!

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Southwest+Hawaii = Not The News We Were Hoping For

Come on, Southwest, get us to Hawaii already! I’m craving some aloha, a cup of Kona coffee, and an authentic poke bowl. I’ve been following the Hawaii-Southwest saga since early August. Next the October start date for service came and went and still no word from Southwest Airlines on its expansion to Hawaii. Disappointing, to say the least.

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Airline Buy Miles/Points Promos Ending Soon: United, Southwest, JetBlue, British Airways, American, Avianca & Virgin Atlantic

Good evening everyone.  Since Black Friday and Cyber Monday are right around the corner, several airlines are running buy miles/points promos now – 2 even end tonight!  I have all the latest offers on my Buy Miles & Points Page.  Always check the math to make sure that buying miles & points makes sense for you.  Do not buy miles & points speculatively unless you have a use in mind.  With that said, here are the 7 promos that are ending in November. First up, United Airlines is running a mystery offer with up to 70% bonus miles, depending on the number of United Airlines miles you purchase.  This offer ends tonight – November 20.

a person holding a gift box

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