Good morning everyone, I hope your weekend is going well. I wanted to share my theory about upcoming changes to the Expedia One Key program, but I wanted to preface this post with the fact that I don’t have any information other than the email I received last night and the upcoming changes to the terms and conditions page. Please take this post with a grain of salt.
I received this boring looking email from Expedia on Friday night after 11pm PT with the super boring subject line “We’re changing our terms.” I almost deleted the email a few seconds after opening it, but thought I would take a minute to read the email and see what terms were changing. The email says, “we’re changing our One Key™ terms and conditions. In relation to section 10 ‘Changes to these Terms and Conditions’, we’ll be updating the notification period from 90 days to a period of reasonable notice.” I always get suspicious when concrete numbers change to an abstract “reasonable” term. Everyone’s interpretation of what is reasonable is different. I clicked the link in the email and went further down the rabbit hole.

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