Good afternoon everyone, I hope your weekend is off to a great start. A few days ago, I wrote a post titled I Paid $4,588 in Credit Card Annual Fees in 2019 – Was it Worth it? In that post, I shared the 21 credit cards that I plan on keeping and how I justify paying the annual fees on those credit cards. I felt bad for the 16 no annual fee cards that Laura and I have and decided to write a post about them too. Roughly half of the no annual fee credit cards were downgraded / converted from a credit card with an annual fee. Besides the rewards that some of the no annual fee credit cards provide, keeping no annual fee credit cards open long term is good for your credit score. It improves the length of credit history (average age of accounts), which represents 15% of your total credit score. It also helps with the amounts owed (your credit utilization ratio), which represents 30% of your total credit score. Lastly, it helps with payment history (paying your credit card bills on time), which represents 35% of your total credit score. For more info, check out this Doctor of Credit page.